Like any big purchase or important decisions, it takes time and weighing out costs + benefits. Here are some of my best decisions that have earned even better long term benefits.
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a month-long digital detox left me cynical (7 min read)
It wasn't an official break up, but I did take a necessary month-long break from social media. I have never temporarily deactivated with a significant other, but I'd imagine the experience is not far off; thinking about the other person, helplessly trying to find other distractions, wondering wtf happened, and infinite self-reflection. There's obviously more to this and happy to start a convo, with four bullet points as starters.
Read More2016 year in review: books
Looks like I doubled my goal of reading at least 12 books this year. Hit a lovely number of 24 total books.
Read Moredecember digital detox (pt.1)
Detox implies exposure to harmful substances. I'd say that's pretty accurate, considering the over saturation of social media noise in this day and age.
Read Morefather's day feels
In reading folks' stories about the support, and sometimes absence, of their fathers, I can't help but to also celebrate the complexity of the roles associated with the term 'father' and 'dad' in my own life.
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